
Senior Portrait Info


Senior Portrait Info

Class of 2025 Information below:

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Cady Studios.

The studio will contact you shortly to schedule a senior portrait for the Class of 2025 either at Conestoga High School (limited appointment sessions and backgrounds) or at Cady’s brand new, state of the art studio (300 Welsh Road Building 2, Horsham, PA 19044) where you can scheudle at your convenience with opportunities for hair, make-up, and a variety of poses and backgrounds.

Cady has MANY options and prices of packages, but, as always, you can opt for a free appointment for a yearbook picture. Be sure to scroll through everything for the choice that best fits you.

Appointments at Conestoga High School will be held on June 25, August 24, September 21, October 19, 29, and 30. If your schedule doesn’t work with those dates or an appointment isn’t available, you can go to the studio.

What to wear? What to bring?

If you have not had a picture taken during one of the scheduled sessions and would like to appear in the yearbook, you must go to the studio for a session. All pictures must be taken by November 4 in order to appear in the yearbook.

Use the studio’s website to book your appointment. Scroll down to select a yearbook sitting (at no cost). FAQs and Cady Information.


Once your pictures have been taken, the studio will send you proofs. Follow their directions to select a picture for the yearbook. If you do not select a picture, the studio will select one for you. You must select a pose for the yearbook by November 4. If you took your pictures after the photo deadline, you might not be able to select your yearbook pose due to the late date.  



Senior Ads

Senior Ads


Place an ad for senior here. Choose a picture or pictures and compose a message for an upcoming graduate! 

The deadline for all submissions for Class of 2025 is NOVEMBER 4.

We will begin accepting submissions September 1.

Thank you for your participation. 

For more information please download this flyer.


Then & Now

Then & Now

Class of 2025 can submit Then & Now pictures free of cost. We have limited space available for an original older photo and a second current reenactment of the original of groups or pairs of Conestoga seniors. Pictures should be of pairs or groups of students from the senior class from elementary school years or younger. Upload both pictures with the names of those featured.

Submission deadline is November 4. We will begin accepting submissions September 1.

Make sure to recreate the same pose with your partner or group!! See example below.



